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Absentee voting now available for Municipal Primary Elections

Frank Corder, Magnolia Tribune

By: Frank Corder, Magnolia Tribune

Absentee voting now available for Bolton's Municipal Primary Elections
The last day to vote in-person absentee is March 29, while mail-in absentee ballots must be postmarked on or before April 1st.

Absentee voting is now available for the April 1st Municipal Primary Elections.

The vast majority of Mississippi’s nearly 300 cities and towns will be electing mayors, boards of aldermen, city councils and other local officials this year.

Those voters in the Republican or Democratic primaries who will be unable to vote in-person on the Primary Election Day can now visit their local city clerk’s office to vote in-person absentee or contact the office to request a mail-in ballot.

For those who cannot visit their municipal clerk’s office during the work week, Saturday in-person absentee voting dates for the Municipal Primary Election are Saturday, March 22 and Saturday, March 29 from 8:00 a.m. until noon.

The last day to vote in-person absentee is March 29, while mail-in absentee ballots must be postmarked on or before April 1st.

According to the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office, to be eligible to vote in the Municipal Primary Election, all Mississippians must complete voter registration by March 3, 2025. All mail-in voter registrations must be postmarked by March 3, 2025.

The candidates that win their respective primary elections will move on to the June 3rd General Election.

New municipal terms begin July 1st.



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