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BetterMan, the largest men’s conference in Mississippi is scheduled for Saturday, March 1 at Jackson Convention Center

Wesson News

On Saturday, March 1, the BetterMan Mississippi conference, a first of its kind hosted by  local Christian leaders, will be held at the Jackson Convention Center.


BetterMan is a national movement launched by Robert Lewis, author of “Raising a Modern Day Knight” and “Men’s Fraternity.” It presents a common vision for manhood that has impacted over 750,000 men in every state.


Generations of men want to be good men; they want to be God’s man, but they don’t know how. No one has shown them – no one has given them an example. BetterMan is filling that void.


“Godly men have generational impacts. They forge the paths ahead not just for one generation and one legacy but for multiple generations and multiple legacies,” said Brian Crawford of Mission Mississippi.


In addition to Lewis, other conference speakers include Reginald Buckley, pastor of Cade Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, Chip Henderson, Pastor of Pinelake Church, Bartholomew Orr, Pastor of Brown Missionary Baptist Church in Southaven, and Kyle Reno, Pastor of Crossgates Church.


“We’re believing it’s a moment that will spark a movement among men in the state of Mississippi that will not stop with our state. You don’t want to miss it. Come be a part of it,” said Kyle Reno of Crossgates.


The conference is 9am until 4pm. It is free and includes lunch, but you must register. To register or for more information about BetterMan Mississippi go to



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