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Change May Be Scary…But It’s Necessary

Wesson News
“Don’t make change too complicated. Just BEGIN.” – Unknown.

Change May Be Scary…But It’s Necessary

Change. I personally have come to somewhat welcome it. Change tends to open doors to new things, new experiences, new beginnings. Change, however, can be an overwhelming thing. Change can be scary because it gets us out of our comfort zones, but it can be really rewarding. We, as Christians, are called to be in a constant state of change as we walk with the Lord. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. However, when we do make mistakes, we should be convicted of that mistake and know that a change needs to be made so that we will not make that same mistake again. Why? Because a mistake repeated becomes a decision at that point. The biggest thing about making a change is to simply make a choice to…BEGIN.

Change must start with you wanting to. Maybe you have been in a series of bad relationships and are convinced that you will never find happiness. Maybe your lifestyle is attracting the wrong people. Maybe your children are acting out at school or in other areas of their lives and you are blinded as to why this is happening. Maybe a change is needed in their home environment or something else they are being exposed to that you are aware to that you need to step in and intercede for them. Are you being a good role model for them? If not, a definite change needs to be made in your life for them. Are you living a life that points others to Christ? Are you living a life “out loud” that matches what you talk to others about when it comes to Jesus? Search your heart and life. Does a change need to be made?

Whether others know about it or not, God knows. Have things seem to be spiraling around you lately? Maybe it’s time to examine your situation and reevaluate your life. We often times get complacent. Examine your heart. Don't make change so complicated and don't wait too long to make it happen. You are not guaranteed tomorrow so don't put off making a change in your life today. If you want true peace in your life, change needs to happen. Lean on His strength. God reminds you of this in His word. Philippians 4:13 states, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”



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