Have you ever watched a volleyball game and witnessed an entire team suddenly duck under the net and join the other team? Gasping for a breath of hope that isn’t there, they had finally thrown up their hands in despair and crossed to the other side of the net. Just gave up, gave in, and joined the enemy.
As much volleyball as I have watched and played through the years, no matter how badly one team is trouncing the other – and that has been witnessed, believe me – I have never seen that happen. Oh yes, there were some individual players that began pouting and dragging their feet, with a “What’s the use, this is just stupid!” look on their face. But an entire team? Never. Because there were always a few stubborn leaders who insisted that their team fight to the bitter end, even though it seemed pretty obvious that said end was going to be pretty bitter.
Why? Why are there certain people in life who just refuse to quit the race when the going gets rocky and uphill? Stubborn pride? Tenacity? Parents who bothered to instill ‘stick-to-itiveness’ in their child, “Sweetie, you don’t give up just because things get difficult?” Probably a combination of many things, I would imagine.
But if you are not one of those who were gifted with parents who pushed you to finish what you started, or you simply do not have a built-in stubbornness that refuses to ever toss in the towel, think about this. Giving in means you will definitely lose, because there is absolutely no chance of winning, if you won’t try for yourself. So at least keep trying, because laying down and pouting guarantees YOU WILL LOSE. But if you can’t bring yourself to stubbornly and relentlessly work for yourself, at least have enough gumption to not begin working for the other side. Because without a doubt, the score will end up World:2 You:0.
My advice? Your overwhelmed feeling could easily be caused by a combination of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion. And exhaustion is a pathway that can lead to depression, fear and hopelessness. That lethal combination of emotions can dump you into a black hole of despair and just giving up. So, take a break from it all, as much as is possible. Pray for help. Go for walks, take naps, talk with someone who will listen and who cares about you. Seek advice and counsel from the closest thing to a professional that you can afford.
Mr. Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of England during the years of WWII is quoted as saying, “Never ever, ever, ever give in.” Pretty appropriate for anyone whose heart is beating– if you want a flea’s breath of a chance to be successful in your life.
Do not give up on YOU. The end result is total loss, and you are worth more than that.