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“Difficulties are no match for God’s promises”

Wesson News

By Misty Prine


“Being negative only makes a difficult journey more difficult. You may be given a cactus, but you don’t have to sit on it.” – Unknown

Difficulties are no match for God’s promises

Life is far from easy. Sometimes we are dealt a good hand and sometimes that hand is quite difficult. What we take from that difficulty speaks volumes to our strength and determination and from whom our strength comes from. You see, harboring negativity along a difficult journey only makes our paths that we have yet to travel on even more difficult to endure. Just like this quote says, you may be given a cactus but that doesn't mean you have to sit on it! The choice is yours. Are you going to sit on the cactus or are you going to choose to walk away and chance finding a nice comfy seat to sit on? The choice is yours! Surrender with your head down or fight with your head up. When life gives you lemons, make a whole great big pitcher of lemonade and then drink up that joyful life and fighting spirit that comes with knowing Jesus as your Savior. With Him in your corner, don't you dare sit on a cactus willingly!

God loves you immensely and He never promised an easy road. One thing He did promise is that He would never leave us or forsake us. With that promise, hard days should be a lot more tolerable knowing the King of Glory not only knows you by name but gave His life for you and promised to love you through it. We serve a God that gives such amazing grace!





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