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Don’t take someone for granted, or time will…

Misty Prine

By: Misty Strieff Prine

“Take time today to appreciate someone who does something you take for granted.” –


How many times, in a day’s time, do you think we take something that someone does for us or even maybe “that” someone in general, for granted? There may be a person who smiles at you although they are having a terrible day themselves and you may never ever know it. There may be a person who lets you go ahead of them in the dollar store line because they have a buggy full and you only have a few items.... even if they have to be somewhere. I’m talking about that person who gives of themselves so

unselfishly in order that you may be happy, even if it means giving you all that they have and then some. They just feel like doing a random act of kindness and you are the blessed recipient of it.

You see, so many of us are guilty of being in such a hurry some days, that we fail to see the multitude of blessings that God pours out on us through people that we have day to day interactions with. We take so much for granted my friends. We often walk around so blindly that we often fail to recognize those who lift us up little by little who go unnoticed and are so unappreciated every day, yet they never stop being a blessing to us. We walk around on our, what we think may be “bad days” but forget that there is always someone out there that has it a whole lot worse than us. Funny thing is a lot

of people who give of themselves whole-heartedly in order that they may help others are often the ones that hurt so deeply behind closed doors and need our encouragement tenfold. They fall apart when no one is looking.

So how often do you stop and simply be still and truly appreciate those people who go out of their way to make sure you receive that constant blessing so that you will have a little bit better day...even if you never even realize it? That is until now. I encourage in this season of Thanksgiving, to focus on this daily and be more observant of those around you. Those that you may pass and repass each day. From the time the good Lord opens your eyes in the morning until the time you lay your head down at night, "stop and smell the roses" if you will. Be more attentive to those people who do the beautiful, little things for you that so often go unnoticed. Now do something that you might not normally a blessing back to them! Some people make the most of it and some hurry through life never appreciating the opportunities they have been given. May we never take someone for granted. Everyone needs to know they are appreciated. It may be just what they need to get through their day.



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