By Misty Strieff Prine

“Sometimes God’s blessings are not in what He gives; But in what He takes away. He knows best. Trust Him.” – Naeem Callaway
Amen, amen, and amen again. Sometimes we don't understand how to process life events such as when we lose a job, our car breaks down, bank accounts get super low, how an unexpected expense is going to get paid, or even how to handle the unexpected loss of a loved one. The human side of us, emotionally, is so weak and gets so overwhelmed that our strength just doesn’t amount to much on our own. We don’t understand why things get taken away and why some are allowed to stay in our lives. We really don’t understand the timing of such either. But we must understand that we are not expected to. Only God knows the reason behind it all.
God always has a bigger plan in the grand scheme of things. Losing that job may be carving a path to a better paying one that will help provide for your family and that unexpected bill coming that God knows about before we do. That car breaking down may happen in time before it causes an accident or a greater expense in the future. That bank account may run out of money to make you realize you need to rely more on God than the things money can buy. Losing a loved one is always hard, but none of us will live forever, but only God knows when our time has come. But what I have seen is that in times of grief, it does bring families closer together that may have drifted apart over the years. God also may have a plan in place to send a new bundle of joy to your family to fill that void. I’ve seen that as well. God ALWAYS knows what's best for us and sometimes that may mean taking things away from us to make us appreciate the things we and sometimes difficulties will come along the way, because He never promised an easy road. In those times, those valleys, we may be tested to see if we call upon His name and turn to Him for guidance instead of the world. We need to always be thankful for what God has given us because He has all power and authority to take those things away from us at any time. God is good ALL the time. He loves us and gives us what we need. The good Lord gives and He takes away. Always remember that. May each of us always stay humble and appreciative of what we have.
**For daily devotionals, you can follow me on Facebook at The Upward Way or on Instagram at the_upward_way. I’d love to see you there!