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Golfer to Write About Area Sports


Golfer to Write About Area Sports

A local known as "the world most avid golfer" because he played the most rounds of golf in a single year is joining Wesson News as an ongoing contributing guest columnist to cover sports.

I personally love all sports, even the more obscure ones like cricket and polo, but I will be focusing heavily on sports in our State, particularly the South-West Mississippi area," says Yancy Methvien. "I will probably focus on golf and I will report on our local parks and recreational opportunities, our local athletes, and a few of our more exciting sporting events/contests."

Methvien notes that the Wesson News coverage area contains hidden gems as far as recreational facilities and parks are concerned. "We are located on a goldmine of golf and at a price-point that many can hardly believe," he points out. "I look forward to the opportunity to feature and introduce these facilities. Hopefully, if you are already familiar with places that I cover, I’ll still manage to tell you something about them that you may not already know, and in a way that gives you a laugh or that you find entertaining."

The new sport columnist will also work to feature some of the area’s more accomplished athletes from various sports -- people he knows have put in countless hours of training, made sacrifices where others have not, and have had to push themselves relentlessly to accomplish what they each have. "These athletes have worked very hard to represent their families, their schools, and our community," he says. "As such, I feel it would be wonderful to tell some of their stories."

Because he wants readers to enjoy sports beyond just watching them or reading about them, he also plans to pass on tips on overcoming the aches and pains of getting older. "Many of us could stand to get more exercise in our lives and I have learned a few methods to limit those hindrances enough that you can be more active," he says.

Methvien invites sports fans to submit feature ideas on athletes, venues/facilities, events, sporting topics and ask questions they want answered. "I’ll work to cover all the bases you want covered," he says.

Methvien, a Brookhaven resident, is also a veteran who struggled with PTSD and depression following his military service and a divorce. He took on his golf challenge as a therapy, to honor fellow veterans and demonstrate the healing benefits of golf to them.



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