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Happiness comes from God’s pocket to yours…not from someone else’s.

Wesson News

By Misty Strieff Prine


“Never put the key to your happiness in somebody else’s pocket.” – Unknown


In the society in which we live today, it has become all too common to put our happiness in tangible things that money can buy – vehicles, homes, clothing, jewelry, etc. Anything that would put someone in the limelight of a certain social status or clique in schools or adult social group. I’m here to tell you, money cannot and will never buy true happiness. It may seem like it temporarily, but it will always be short lived.

This is why you should NEVER put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket. You should never try to be someone you are not by spending money or “keeping up with the Jones’s” to find happiness. It will always be short lived. The only true and perfect happiness comes from the One who is the epitome of love and compassion. He is the One that will love you at your darkest. You can literally have nothing but the shirt on your back and He will love you just the way you are. He doesn't care about the color of your skin, the value of the clothes you are wearing or the amount of your paycheck. He cares about YOU. When you put your faith and trust in Him, He will give you a joy that you cannot even begin to put into words. He will in turn bless you with so much more than you deserve. He will change the way your heart views those around you. He will show you that true happiness comes with loving those around you that are the most unlovable. He will give you joy, even in your darkest hour, because He knows that the storms of life are only temporary and when they blow over, and they will, you will come out stronger than when you went in. And when you do, you will be able to help someone else get through an equally difficult storm.

True happiness is realizing that material things are nice to have but they do not bring true joy. True happiness is knowing that when you love someone through the eyes of Jesus, expecting nothing in return, and you get a genuine love in return, God has showed up and showed out. The key to a happy life is knowing that it doesn't matter what "things" you have but instead "WHO" you have in your heart. Happiness is knowing that no matter what comes your way, God has your back, and He will never leave you. That is a joy that can't help but spill out of every crack of every broken piece of your life that HE has put back together. Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy and your grace.



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