By: Misty Strieff Prine

“Let it hurt. Let it bleed. Let it heal. And let it go.” – Unknown.
This message today is for those of you who may be in a season of hurt. Maybe your spirit is in a season of brokenness. I’m here to say that it’s okay to let that hurt bleed a little. It's okay to let the tears roll. What's not okay is that you stay in that place or dwell there for any length of time. Let the emotion out. Don't keep it bottled up inside. You may not want to talk to anyone around you about it but there is someone you can talk to. Talk to God about it. It's not healthy to keep it to yourself. When you do, it changes you into a person you yourself wouldn't want to be around. Letting it out is part of the healing process. Once you get ready to face your hurt and have faith that it will soon be a thing of the past, you need to find the peace in knowing that you do not have to, and you will NOT have to "heal this hurt" alone. In that moment of hurt, know that God is right there beside you to help you through the healing process. If and ONLY if you turn to HIM to heal, then will you truly be able to let go of that hurt. Why? Because if we try to heal in our own way, without Him, we will hold on to that hurt for the rest of our days. We know this to be true. We have a phrase for that. That's what we call "holding a grudge".
When God's involved in the healing process and ONLY then, do we have true and genuine forgiveness. We may still be reminded of the hurt when we see that person but the hurt no longer steals our joy and controls us. We've moved past it because God has given us the power and victory over that hurt. He allows us to truly When we hold on to hurt, we allow that person to hold even more leverage over us by stealing our joy. Don't let them hurt you anymore because, I promise you, nine times out of ten, they probably don't even realize they hurt you in the first place. So why in the world are you letting them continue to hurt you by letting them steal even more of your joy?? Give it to God, pray for them, let that hurt strengthen you into a better person and! Don’t let the hurt define you in a bad way, let it define you in a good way but letting it be a part of your testimony!