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Library introduces itself to kids

Wesson News

WAC Open Door Wesson Baptist Church

Wesson Public Library hosted children from Wesson Attendance kindergarten and first grade, the Open Door School and the Wesson Baptist Church pre-school program during National Library Week April 7-13.


At the special programs for each group of children, Wesson Friends of the Library volunteers read to them and guided them games towards introducing them the library as an ongoing resource to use as grow into adults and need help in work and recreation throughout their lives.


National Library Week is an annual celebration highlighting the valuable role of libraries, librarians, and library workers play in transforming lives and strengthening communities.


The theme of 2024 National Library Week was “Ready, Set, Library!” as the umbrella for promoting the idea that in our online world, libraries help in connecting with others, learning new skills, and focusing on what matters most.




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