By Misty Strieff Prine

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30
Jesus reminds us that life is going to be hard but with Him it’s going to be so much easier,
manageable, and bearable. He knows that we all will struggle with guilt, insecurities, anxiety,
inadequacy, fear, depression, and perfectionism and we carry so much baggage around each day. We never feel good enough. We mess up and compare ourselves to the world’s standards instead of His.
Guess what though? He defeated death, Hell and the grave, friends. Rest assured He can take
each one of those “bags” off our backs that weigh us down and replace them with such amazing things. We cannot do it on our own. I repeat...” we cannot do it on our own!” We often carry so much unnecessary baggage around on our shoulders that’s not ours to carry alone. He, on the other hand, can carry the entire WORLD. Now look here. Why in the world do we insist on trying to be super men and women? What are we trying to prove? Absolutely nothing is what. We beat ourselves down to the point of being completely overwhelmed and wonder how we’ve ended up where we are. We must give it to Him...all of it. You see, we so often reach out to give it to Him and snatch it back, carrying it around just a little longer. We need to give it completely to Him in faith and walk away with a lighter burden, thinking about it no more. I know, I know. Easier said than done. I struggle with it daily. But I can tell you this. When you do it, I mean truly do it, it’s amazing. Words cannot describe what fills that void of that burden...the feeling of abundant joy, hope and peace doesn’t even scratch the surface. Trust me. I’ve experienced it repeatedly. You just have to start turning it over to Him. That’s the hardest part…beginning!
So, what are you waiting for? Start today. I know it’s going to be hard but start with one thing
that is weighing heavy on your heart and talk to God about it. I mean talk to Him like you are talking to your best friend…because guess what? He is! Trust me when I say, your perspective on life will begin to change when you make a conscious effort each day to talk to God about it instead of trying to handle it yourself. The enemy is going to do its best to remind you of what you “gave away” or turned over to God, ignore him. That’s when you know you’re doing something right! Remember, he was defeated over 2,000 years ago! He doesn’t stand a chance. If you have Jesus, YOUR victory has already been won!
**For daily devotionals, you can follow me on Facebook at The Upward Way or on Instagram
at the_upward_way.