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Social distancing, grants, reopenings

Wesson News

Special to Wesson News

Social distancing disliked in state. Mississippians are among the worst at adhering to social distancing guidelines to protect themselves from the coronavirus, and the state, as a result, has one of the highest rates of coronavirus infections, a new study shows. The state is 44th on adherence to social distancing guidelines, The TOP Agency made the discovery in an analysis of mobility data to determine the number of daily close human interactions that lasted longer the five minutes. The study also showed that residents of former COVID-19 hotspots -- New York, Arizona, Texas, Florida and California -- are now adhering well to social distancing regulations.

KDMC great workplace. King's Daughters Medical Center in Brookhaven is one of the 2020 Best Places to Work in Healthcare, according to Modern Healthcare (MH). The distinction, which KDMC has earned ten time since 2008, is based on an extensive employee survey. MH editor Aurora Aguilar noted that "loyalty and trust between employers and their workers" has become more important than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic, when healthcare employees have seen their colleagues fall ill with the virus and their organizations suffer the economic effects.

Grant to save animals. Brookhaven Animal Rescue League (BARL) has received a $4,000 Save Them All grant from Best Animals Friends Society (BAFS) to help save lives of homeless pets in Lincoln, Copiah and Franklin Counties. BARL meets BAFS strict grant guidelines, providing food, shelter, and veterinary services for homeless animals until they are adopted; vaccinating and spaying or neutering all its animals and microchipping dogs. BFAS, which partners with 2,800 animal welfare groups nationwide, has helped reduce the number animals killed in shelters to less than one million (733,000) every year from 17 million.

MAC funds BLT. With its theater season curtailed by the COVID-19 pandemic and planning for its 54th season on hold, Brookhaven Little Theater (BLT), has received a $14,500 grant from the Mississippi Arts Commission (MAC) to advance its mission of exposing the region to high quality performing arts programs. BLT, the longest continuously running community theater in Mississippi, offers a variety of plays, musicals, performing arts classes, camps, workshops, special events and musical festivals. BLT has launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise another $25,000 during this challenging financial time.

Zoo reopens. The 11-month shutdown of Jackson Zoo for comprehensive infrastructure repairs and to secure its U.S. Department of Agriculture license to exhibit animals has ended, but its hours are limited to 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sundays, and only 500 visitors are allowed each day due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The City of Jackson is negotiating with St. Louis-based ZoOceanarium Group to take over operations of the facility.

Movies return. Regal UA Westbrook Theater in Brookhaven is showing movies again. Tickets are available online. The multiplex theater has implemented new health and safety measures based on Center for Disease Control guidelines and feedback from employees and moviegoers.



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