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Time is a thief. Don’t let stress steal your joy!

Misty Prine

By Misty Strieff Prine

“I don’t have time” is the grown-up version of “The dog ate my homework” – Unknown

                Guilty as charged. Well, aren’t we all? I’ll be the first to admit that giving the excuse that “I don’t have time” rolls out of my mouth way more than it should. Life is so incredibly overwhelming at times that it feels as though the walls are caving in on you. Truth is, we all are guilty of procrastination at its finest. If God grants us the time, we must make time. Sadly, sometimes we get in such a habit of this, that we put things ahead of the important people in our lives thinking we have all of the time in the world when, in all actuality, we are not guaranteed the next breath we take. We are blessed with so many wonderful people in our lives and yet we often put them last and put insignificant things ahead of them. Life is too short. We need to focus on the important people in our lives because they may not always be there. Always make time for them. Take time with your children, your spouses and significant others. The Lord tells us to “BE STILL” for a reason. First and foremost, we need to remember that He is God and HE is in control of our chaotic situations that may be going on in our lives. We don’t have to handle them alone. Then when we realize that we stop and look around and see how blessed we are to have the things we have. How blessed we are to have those we love around us. You realize then the little things you miss each day while you are running around stressed out. Your family is precious. God gave you so much to be thankful for. Don’t let the enemy of “stress and anxiety” steal your joy. God gave you too much to be thankful for that is right under your nose! Other stuff can wait. Life doesn’t. Make sure to tell your loved ones just how much you love them. You never know if you’ll get that chance again.

                **For daily devotionals, you can follow me on Facebook at The Upward Way or on Instagram at the_upward_way.



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