by Misty Prine
“There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book.”
- Unknown –

There comes a time in your life when you have to turn the page or close the book. When you decide you need to turn the page, you have to realize that enough damage has been done for one day. You need to turn the hurt over to the Lord, stop fighting the fight and turn the page in your life, picking up on a more positive, different road the next day. Take a breather and let the bad day pass. If the good Lord gives you another day, make it better than the day before. Put some effort in making better decisions. You have to be the one that wants to make the change. Change is a mindset that you have to get in.
Sometimes, the change needs to be more dramatic. If the book needs to be closed, that means that you need to separate yourself from the toxic person, group, or even situation you are around or in that are not helping your cause at all. In those times, you just have to take on a different outlook on life, surround yourself with people and an everyday environment of others who love the Lord, pray for you, love you and are willing to help you get your life turned around. After all, your life (book, page or chapter) is a product of what you surround yourself with. Toxic people bring toxicity. Positive people bring positivity. See the difference? You are a product of your environment after all. Again, it starts with a change on your end. You have to make that first step.
Look at your life right now. Do you need to turn the page or close the book? It’s your choice. Let the Lord take over and live your life for Him. Make good decisions and write a story that will encourage others who are “reading your story” by watching the way you live your life. It’s a new year. Let it be a new YOU. God brought you this far for a reason. Live your life as a testament of what He’s done in your life. Sometimes it just takes getting your surroundings right to do it fully and wholeheartedly.
**For daily devotionals, you can follow me on Facebook at The Upward Way or on Instagram at the_upward_way.