By Misty Strieff Prine
“Lord, if it’s not Your will, let it slip through my grasp and give me the peace not to worry about it.”

Sometimes in life, we face opportunities that we've waited for our entire lives. Maybe it's that promotion that seemed always just out of our grasp, that perfect spouse to spend the rest of our lives with, or maybe even an answer to a seemingly unanswered question that you've had for a very long time. How awesome are these moments?? But then, sometimes, we are also faced with the answers that we may NOT have wanted. That job opportunity falls through at the last moment, that person you thought was meant for you was most definitely not THE one, or that answer doesn't come in the nick of time like you'd hoped it would. What's the deciding factor? GOD'S WILL. The problem that so many of us face, is the fact that we don't pray for God's will to be done in our lives in the first place. If we do, we don't trust or have ample amount of faith to remain patient for His timing or the ability to not question the outcome that we didn't expect. We just sit idly by with fingers crossed in hopes that the answer will come that we want and when it's convenient for us, instead of asking God to begin with for His will to be done in our lives in HIS time. God knows what is ultimately best for us. The problem lies in what WE think WE know what's best for us, when in all actuality we have not a clue.
Sometimes the outcome is what we hoped for...sometimes the outcome is far from it. You see, if God doesn't will for it to happen in our lives, folks, it will not happen! We must have the kind of relationship with God where we can come to an understanding that it's okay if we do not get our way because He ultimately knows what's best for us. If our relationship with God is not what it should be, often it is really hard to remain positive when we do not receive the answer we would have hoped to receive. We get angry and question why things are going so terribly wrong in our lives. With every single decision in our lives, we should ask for God's will to be done and the wisdom to know the difference when the answer is not what we would have hoped for. Being able to think clearly in such a situation will often be revealed when our relationship with God is where it should be. Think for a moment where you are in your life right now. Is there something that your heart has desired for so long and you wonder often why it has not come to fruition? Maybe it's because God's will is far different from your own. That answer may not have come yet because God is still working on laying out the pieces to the puzzle that are unseen to your eyes but all knowing to His.
**For daily devotionals, you can follow me on Facebook at The Upward Way or on Instagram at the_upward_way.